Non-Operated Fields

Sinjhoro Block
Sinjhoro block is located in district Sanghar, Sindh Province, Pakistan. Sinjhoro E.L covering an area of 179.31 Sq. KM was awarded to joint venture of OGDCL (operator), Government Holdings (Private) Limited (GHPL) & Orient Petroleum Inc. (Orient Petroleum) on December 29, 1999, for the period of ten years. Twenty-one exploratory, six appraisal & three development wells have been drilled so far, out of which, eleven discoveries have been made. Sinjhoro development consists of several fields discovered in proximity of each other with in the Sinjhoro Exploration License namely Baloch, Chak-2, Chak-63, Chak-63SE, Chak-66, Chak-66NE, Chak-7A, Hakeem Daho, Lala Jamali, Kot Nawab, and Resham. The working interest owners in D&P Lease are OGDCL 62.5%, GHPL 22.5% & Orient Petroleum 15%.
The existing surface facilities include a gas sweetening plant, dehydration unit, LPG recovery unit, HP/MP/LP separators, front end booster compressors, sale gas compressors, oil/LPG storage tanks & loading system. 3D seismic reprocessing has been completed on 952 sq kms. and the interpretation is currently underway to delineate further appraisal, development & exploratory wells in the Sinjhoro block.
Mehar Block
Mehar Block is located in mountainous terrain ~190 Km west of Sukkur & 300 Km north of Karachi, Sindh province, Pakistan. The block was discovered in 2003 after successful testing of Mehar-1 from Pab & Lower Ranikot reservoirs. So far, two prospects Mehar & Sofiya in the block proved to be hydrocarbon bearing while Mitto & Kakrio leads are under evaluation. Current working interest owners in Mehar block D&PL are UEPL 59.2105 % (operator), GHPL 25.0 %, OPI 11.8421 % & ZPCL 3.9474%.
Regular production from Mehar field started in November 2013. Surface facilities consist of amine sweetening & dehydration plants, hydrocarbon dew point control unit (HCDP), well gathering network, HP separators, sale end compressors & condensate storage facility. Front End Compressors are also deployed to enhance the recoveries.
Shakardara Block
The Joint Venture of Chanda D&P Lease, comprising of Oil & Gas Development Company Limited (OGDCL) as Operator, Government Holdings (Private) Limited (GHPL) and Zaver Petroleum Corporation (Private) Limited (ZPCL), which is located in District Kohat, Khyber Pakhtunkhwa Province of Pakistan.
New Development well Chanda-7 was spud on 25th October 2022 & drilled down to TD @ 5492 M successfully. Currently, DST of Kingriali & Datta formation is in progress. The Well is expected to be tied up in system in June 2024, Insha Allah.
Chanda-4 ceased to flow, rig workover carried out and well has been recompleted successfully. The rig has been released and testing will be done after the rig moves.
Waziristan (Ex. Bannu West) Block
Orient Petroleum acquired 10% exploration rights of Bannu West Block # 3370-13 from Zaver Petroleum effective from 1st July 2021. The current Joint Venture Partners are Mari Petroleum (Operator) with 55% working interest, OGDCL with 35% working interest and Orient Petroleum having 10% working interest.
Waziristan Block covering a total area of 1229.57 sq.kms is located in North Waziristan, Kurram Agency, Tribal Area Adjacent Lakki Marwat, Tribal Area Adjacent Bannu, Bannu and Hangu Districts of Khyber Pakhtunkhwa (KP) province. Operator Mari Petroleum acquired 99 km 2D and 836 sq.kms 3D seismic data to evaluate the prospectivity of the Block and drilled 1st exploratory well Shewa-1.
Shewa Discovery
By the grace of Almighty Allah, on 1st June 2022 a gas/condensate discovery was announced resulting from exploratory efforts at Shewa-1 Exploration Well, drilled in the Waziristan Block. The said Well was spud-in on 6th June, 2021 and successfully drilled down to the depth of 4,915 meters. The Drill Stem Tests carried out in Lockhart Limestone formation flowed gas at a rate of around 25 Million Standard Cubic Feet Per Day (MMSCFD) with wellhead flowing pressure (WHFP) of 4339 Psi and around 300 Barrels per day condensate at 32/64 inch choke size (Pre-acid job). After acidization, Lockhart tested gas at a flow rate of 50 MMSCFD and condensate at 300 BPD with 5500 Psi WHFP at 40/64 inch choke size. Earlier, another Drill Stem Test in Hangu Formation also tested gas at rate of around 1.6 MMSCFD with WHFP of 297 Psi at 32/64 inch choke size.
This is one of the largest gas /condensate discoveries in the recent past in the country and first ever in North Waziristan district, which is the results of an aggressive exploration strategy adopted by the Joint Venture Partners. The Shewa discovery has extended hydrocarbon play system towards western part of the KP province. Once start producing Shewa Field will help to mitigate gas demand in country by supplying gas from indigenous resources. The Joint Venture Partners have drilled a second well Shewa-2 and has also installed a gas processing facility of 100 MMscfd Gas at Shewa Field which is expected to start production during early 2025.
Shewa Field Development
Waziristan block joint venture partners have mandated Orient Petroleum to install and operate Shewa field production facilities. It will not only provide Orient Petroleum another stream of revenues, but it also reflects the trust in OPI’s experience and capabilities in developing production facilities for oil and gas fields in Pakistan by two leading Exploration and Production companies, namely Mari Petroleum Limited and Oil and Gas Development Company Limited. In delivering this project, Orient Petroleum moved one of its plants from its Zamzama Gas Field in Sindh province to Waziristan in Khyber Pakhtunkhwa province. The facility has been successfully installed and now waiting for gas pipeline in order to commence production from the field which is expected anytime in 1st quarter 2025.
The project has been delivered by Orient Petroleum using its own internal resources and with the help of a subcontractor in a record time of eight months. Orient Petroleum continues exploring such opportunities of working together with other Exploration and Production companies to help the country to expedite production of its indigenous natural resources.