
Zamzama Facility
Discovered in 1998, the Zamzama Field, located 10 kms west of Dadu City, Sindh Province, went live in 2001. With a working interest in D&PL of 38.5%, Orient Petroleum is the Operator. Other owners include GHPL with 25%, Eni with 17.75%, Premier with 9.375% and KUFPECT with 9.375% working interest.
Zamzama is a non‐associated gas/condensate field and is operated under the Dadu Petroleum Concession Agreement (PCA). The field facilities include four gas processing trains (three simple dehydration and one nitrogen removal unit) and two front‐end compression (FEC) trains giving a throughput capacity of over 500 MMSCFD with the investment of USD 595 million. The Facility boasts a total of eleven wells, five of which are producing from the Pab Reservoir while three, Zam‐1, 3 & 5 are flowing gas from Khadro Reservoir.
The structure is massive at 30 kms long, with a north-south orientation and eastward thrusting anticline. The field hit its peak production of 570 MMSCFD in 2009 from a total of eleven wells. From 2009‐2013 the operator maintained the field production above 375 MMSCF for 4 years by adding 2 new producers, installing front‐end compression and debottlenecking the existing processing trains to operate at lower suction pressures. Zamzama is equipped with a 5000 BPD state-of-the-art produced-water treatment and injection facility and one water disposal well, completed in the Nari formation.
Recently completed Integrated Production Modeling Study by IFM Solutions demonstrated that additional recoveries were possible by lowering the suction pressures. Enhance Recovery Project (ERP) has successfully been implemented which allows the Front-End Compressor succession pressure to be lowered, enabling additional recoveries.
Ratana Facility
Approximately 130 kms southwest of Islamabad lies the Ratana Gas Condensate Field. The field’s production capacity was significantly enhanced after a recent well-deepening operation was successfully completed. The Facility has a total of three wells Ratana 2, 3, and 4. Of the three, two wells are currently producing. Wells 3 and 4 are located 8 kms and 1km away from the facility respectively, while Well 2 is within the facility. The dry sweetened gas is exported through pipelines, extending 12.5 kms in length and a diameter of 4 and 8 inches, to the POL Meyal facility for LPG extraction from where it is sold to SNGPL.
The Ratana Facility boasts well-gathering lines, production manifold, three-phase separation, amine gas sweetening & gas dehydration units, condensate storage loading bay and extensive fire water network. The well streams gather at the production manifold and sent for three-phase separation. Export network for direct sales to SNGPL is available while stabilised condensate is being trucked to POL Khaur oil decanting facility for transportation to Attock Refinery Limited (ARL) via pipeline. Water produced is disposed to lined evaporation pits. The boot gas compressor ensures vapour recovery ensuring zero emissions. Facility is powered by two diesel Gensets, where only one operates at a time and the other remains on standby.
Dhurnal Facility
Bhangali Facility
Bhangali Oil Field is located 50 kms south of Islamabad in the Soan concession. The facility consists of three-phase separation, produced water handling and evaporation pits, gas processing, crude oil storage / shipping and fire water network. To enhance oil and gas production from the field, new 3D seismic survey was conducted, based on the results of which, workover and well intervention activities are being planned.